Montag, 8. Oktober 2007

Sind aschkenasische Juden genetisch zu 40 Prozent Deutsche?

Humangenetiker Razib Khan bei "Gene Expression" veröffentlicht ein Interview mit dem amerikanischen Sachbuchautor Jon Entine, dem Autor des Buches "Taboo - Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It" aus dem Jahr 2000, der soeben gerade ein lange erwartetes neues Buch herausgebracht hat unter dem Titel: "Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People". (Gene Expression, Amazon/St. gen.) Ohne noch einen einzigen Blick in dieses Buch hineingeworfen zu haben, kann von vornherein gesagt werden, daß man dieses Buch gelesen haben muß. Man kaufe es - am besten: hier.

Schon die erste Frage von Razib Khan ist unwahrscheinlich spannend:
(...) Is the likelihood that many Jewish foremothers were of gentile European ethnic background common knowledge?
Er meint unter den heutigen aschkenasischen Juden, zu denen sich auch Jon Entine zählt. Und Jon Entine antwortet ebenso spannend:
For the more nuanced narratives that have emerged from the study of Jewish genetics - such as the fact that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended on their maternal line from Christians or pagans who more than likely never went through a formal conversion (which would make most Ashkenazim non-Jews under Israeli law) no, that's barely known. It could provoke some intriguing soul searching among Jews, especially Orthodox Jews, about what determines Jewishness. I'm looking forward to my talks to Jewish groups to see how this prickly issues plays out. (...)

Many Jews ARE descendants of converts, at least on the maternal side; but they have also maintained a relative blood purity on the male side that is extraordinary. The historical intermarriage rate of Jews (those who maintained their Jewish identity) remained at less than one half of one percent from biblical times until the mid twentieth century. And even after Askenazi males took on non-Jewish wives during the founding years of the medieval European Jewish community, Jewish fidelity took hold with a vengeance. (...)

Jews are a funny lot when it comes to discussing the implications of genetic research, and I'm no different. We were brought up to believe that we were unique - if not chosen by God, which never sat well with atheists like myself, than at least culturally distinct. We were a modern day tribe with all the rituals, silent forms of communication, and initiation rites that puzzles and irritates many non-Jews. Yet Jews are also imbued with the belief that we should never, at all costs, publicly acknowledge this cultural distinctiveness for fear of stirring a backlash-stories of the Holocaust were drilled into us from childhood, so why court danger?

Now research appears that suggests that our cultural exceptionalism may be rooted in genetics. This is both empowering and disquieting to Jews. (...)
Hier kann an dieser Stelle nicht alles weitere gebracht und diskutiert werden. In den Kommentaren ergänzt dann Humangenetiker Gregory Cochran (Koautor von Humangenetiker Henry Harpending, beide Universität Utah und schon oft hier auf dem Blog behandelt) wichtige Informationen, die auch in diesem neuen Buch enthalten sein werden, und auf die sich die Worte von Jon Entine stützen werden:

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